Friday, August 21, 2009

Are We There Yet?

Although Camp Simcha 2009 has ended, the memories will be with us forever.

Campers, counselors, and all alike will cherish the days and nights we spent together wishing we can do it all again sometime soon.

And with that we begin counting down the days to Camp Simcha 2010...

...343 days...

Just 343 days.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


This activity is hot hot hot!

Each division will be spending a night out in tents up by the pool. There will be warm speeches, roasted marshmallows and cozy fires as everyone in camp feels the warmth that Camp Simcha provides: Memories.

Campers will reminisce about their greatest days in camp (every day!), counselors will share their most wonderful moments (every one!) and one and all will smile as the moon shines with just 57 hours and 36 minutes left to the most bestest summer ever...

...yes, "bestest" is not a word but when you are as excited about this summer as we are - it is.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Talent Show: Recap

To discuss each camper's talents in one blog post would seem ridiculous. It's practically impossible. It can't be done.

That leaves me in a pickle.

How do I convey to you the absolute amazingness (is that even a word?) that Camp Simcha featured on its stage last night? Many have tried, the same amound have failed.

Well, since words won't do the trick... How about we show you a small nugget from last night's performance?

At this point we'd like to inform you that Zachary only uses fake plastic swords and refraims from practicing when any children are around.

The people in the background are Zack's family who attended last night's show. Why were they hiding him for all this time? :-)

We love you, Zack!

...This was just 1 of the 103 kids here in camp...It just got better and better and better...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Simcha's Got Talent!

One would think it's illegal to contain so much talent in a mere 76 acres of land...

Camp Simcha has done the unthinkable.

One night only.


Each and every camper gets their moment of fame on the stage as hundreds of audience members watch in amazement as their jaw drops over and over again.

The talent show features singers, dancers, magicians, comedians and other performers of all ages competing for the advertised top prize of FREE CANTEEN! The show debuted in June 1932 for Camp Simcha Special. Starting its 106th season, critics are giving it two thumbs (plus a wheelchair) up!

Tickets have been sold out since last January and can be found on Ebay for prices higher than $10,000! Crazy, I know!

Want to know how it all goes down tonight? Well, you'll just have to tune in tomorrow morning.

Until then, booya!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Just 48 Hours Left...

to the 2009 Camp Simcha Musical!

We don't want to give anything away, nor do we want to leave you in the dark but Duvi Spiel-Becker has come up with something so amazing that on Wednesday night - you're going to want to be nowhere else than Camp Simcha' Social Hall.

Here's a taste of last year's masterpiece:

...47 hours and 59 minutes...

Super Sunday Recap


That one word sums up last night's night activity.

We all got together in the gym for an experience of a lifetime as we clapped and drummed away on our very own set of drums... (one for each person!...)

Camper Justice commented,
"Rhythm is innate within us all - the beat of our heart, the way we walk, and the clapping of our hands. We explored the basics of rhythm and music in a fun and interactive way. This workshop gave each participant the experience of being a part of an orchestra or a band - in which each small contribution is vital to the making of something big, grand, and beautiful. Thank you, Drum Cafe!"

After concluding the drum activity, everyone made their way to the Social Hall where they watched in awe as the Head Staff whooped up on the Kitchen Staff in a game of Super Bowl Football (in a pre-recorded show).

Some asked, "When was this game filmed?", "Where was this game filmed?", while others asked, "Why was this game filmed?"

Well, to answer:

When was this game filmed? January 5th, 2009. The Head/Kitchen Staff made the trek up to camp to breathe some of that good ol' Camp Simcha spirit. Too bad we didn't bring winter coats.

Where was this game filmed? Deep in the forest. Near the Boogey Man's house. Others would deem this as: "near the baseball field."

Why was this game filmed? To stop all that bickering (we're kidding!) between the Head Staff and Kitchen Staff. The Head Staff prevailed 17-14. Ever since, the food has not tasted the same.


P.S. - The commercials added to the W-O-W'ness factor. We saw advertisements for Geico by Shuki's division, Chumus by the Israeli division, Foxwoods by Foxy's division and even the Library was advertised by the youngest division!

Camp has not yet received the 12 million dollars due to them for these commercials to be made but they're not crossing their fingers...

See ya all laitah!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Commercial Making 101

Have you ever made a commercial before?

Well, if you answered no then you haven't been to Camp Simcha!

Steven Spielberg's third cousin once removed stopped by to film each division's commercial himself and was quoted as saying, "Wow, this group contains naturals!"

We couldn't agree more. In the off season, Camp Simcha signed 103 kids and teenagers to multi year commercial contracts. The campers receive loads of fun and prizes in return (and this is without mentioning the millions of dollars they receive as a signing bonus).

Jonah, who starred on Hannah Montana as an extra, played the role of the Librarian in a recent commercial. "It was absolutely positively awesome," Jonah said, "commercial making for all!" he continued.

Today is Super Bowl Sunday so commercials are a necessity. No ifs, ands, or buts.

So... the big question is:

What Were They Advertising?

Weeellll, you'll just have to return here later if you REALLY wanna find out...


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day of Rest

...and rest we did.

Spirits were lifted, skits were performed, bingo was bingoed(?) and one and all enjoyed the Sabbath, along with its delicious meals prepared by Chef Reuvain and his unbelievable crew.

...Did anyone realize that that was a run-on sentence?...

Prayers, food, activities and sleep; sounds like the world to come if you ask me.

This was all followed by music and dancing following the Sabbath which was followed by game room activities, movie room attending and plain old Camp Simcha bench bantor.

Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday... We don't want to give too much away but rumor has it that the commercials cost 3.5 million dollars...

...Yeah, we're loaded like that....

Friday, August 7, 2009

Good Morning - But What's That Sound?

It's a bird... It's a plane... It's Superman...


It's a helicopter!

The campers today were treated to a special ride around camp; from above that is. Camp Simcha's Aviation School is one of the top aviation schools in the country, ranking higher than Harvard, Yale and even Touro College's flying programs. The kids watched as bunks looked like mere lego pieces from hundreds of feet above the ground, the staff members appeared as simple ants while the trees turned into tiny bushes.

Just ask Nathan from Alaska***

"That was so cool! Let's do it again!" -Nathan from Alaska

*** = First Name and Place of Origin were altered to protect the identity of Joe from Monroe**.

** = Joe from Monroe is really someone else.

Here is an actual picture of a real helicopter:

Photo - Courtesy of Camp Chaya Sara

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I Wanna Be A...

Sky Rider!

Camp Simcha currently has 387 people with their mouths open in awe as they exit the gym after watching the absolutely amazing Sky Riders. The Sky Riders (the NBA's top trampoline act for over 15 years, featuring Guinness World Record holder Ken Kovach and his international group of trampoline champions) have been entertaining for years and we were their fortunate next victims.

Words can only do so much; a picture may speak a thousand words...

...but videos? Ha, they are the greatest.

Here's a small sample of their work:


Camp Simcha has...


Yes, Arrival Day has lived up to its name (yet, again) as arrivees came in by the dozen (totaling 275) yesterday. Water was flung, smiles were formed and the sun shone brightly.

Is it shone? Or shined? Okay, we'll have to look that up. Check back on that.

Kids and teenagers ran through the game rooms and activity centers like kids runnings through game rooms and activity centers (and candy shops, I guess) officially inaugurating Camp Simcha Boys 2009.

Here is a (not so) live shot of today's sunrise off White Road next to Camp Simcha:

...check back later today for more updates and free money...okay, only more updates...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Canteen - Correspondent

Let me introduce you to a very good friend of mine... Meet the brownie bar. This charming fellow is one of the staples of the Camp Simcha Special Canteen. With its fantastically fudgy filling, delectable drizzling of chocolate and soft cookie outside, the brownie bar is irresistible. But let me tell you of a little trick I learned here at CSS that makes the brownie bar experience something you will never forget. First, gently open the package, making sure that none of the precious cookie substance crumbles. Then, carefully place the brownie bar in the microwave. Nuke this baby for 30 seconds, and this inconspicuous little pastry will transform into a creation of G-d. (Even though every thing is a creation of G-d, this is an extra special one, reserved specifically for the campers of Camp Simcha Special and for the Malachim when they get hungry.) Anyway, Yossi Koff being his usual sweet self, and kicking me off the computer. G2G, Later...

By Jake (and his camper, Tzviki)

The Surprise of Color War

Hi metal man here, I have been in camp for 9 years now and the color war this year was definitely the greatest ever. It was amazing how they did different color war fake outs. It really made people think that there will not be color war this year. The first fake out made me think there was actually a person missing. Then the whole thing blew out of proportion with all the emergency vehicles following each other and going straight to the spot where the “uproar man” was on top of the roof. Then at the beginning of the Simcha Special Super Bowl interview where Reuven said that if the kitchen staff lost there would not be any more food and they lost. Then when the division heads got arrested for messing with the food in the kitchen because the whole camp was cheering for the kitchen staff. Everyone thought at that point it was color war but the Police Sergeant said himself it was a fake out. So even the people that have been in camp for years thought that there was not going to be color war. Then we had a Rebbe come and give Tisch and he gave out fortune cookies to people to make brachot on. When people cracked the cookie open there was a piece of paper that said color war breakout people where shocked! COLOR WAR IS HERE

Game Day

In the pantheon of great rivalries: the Romans and Greeks, Coke and Pepsi, Stern’s and Klein’s, one stands alone in its ferocity and divisiveness. Passions have been stirring for years among those laying-in-wait behind exam room and kitchen doors. One claims experience and agility, the other brute force and strategy. Today Simcha Special saw the culmination of this epic in a day of spirited competition both on and off the field. Fans got a preview of the action inside, as waiters tried for new heights in goalpost jumping and both camper and counselor got liberal with face paint.
Casting calls were held all around camp to extol the virtues of Tylenol PM, Budweiser ( via some colorful explorations of facial anatomy) and the new Shidduchim mega site, ( which got its first four million hits after it served as proof that even a frog and a woman with a bad hair day, crazy as it may seem, can find their basheret.). This was only part of the spectacle that encircled game night. After an open-air feast that made small of even the most legendary of tailgate parties, all in camp, their hands still caked with barbecue sauce and helping to gulp vitamin waters by the case load, marched with pride and determination to the social hall where the air hung thick with breathless anticipation and the medical staff got the upper hand as the crowd favorite.
Led by the always-theatrical “Nurse Pewee,” the staff brought back the seventies and the tears with a rendition of YMCA, and the camp anthem, that had the floor creaking with the weight of hundreds losing their voices. NBC, the sports news leader, had all the details: we went inside the training grounds, on the field and into the announcer’s booth, as Rav Wiggles set up a match for the ages. The “million-a-minute” TV spots added to the glitz and laughs. In the end, the crowd’s encouragement (or, more directly, love of food) was not enough to win the kitchen staff the title of Sunday night champs. However deep in their hearts, they knew that oftentimes rivalry and brotherhood go hand in hand, and all left the arena alive with the spirit of competition and Simcha Sports glory.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day of Rest, Day of Growth

Tefillos rang through the skies and the collective hope of those privileged to know the kavanah and love of all Yiddishkeit that makes the cries for a different, better reality more fervent here than most any other place in the world. The skies graduated from a milky twilight blue to the inky purple hues of evening. The candles flickered with a delicate and yet certain presence that signaled the slowed, savor-the-moment pace of Shabbos, as did the marvelously spiced chicken, soups and sweet challas that graced the crisp table linens.
The atmosphere may have, in any other part of the world called for solemnity, but Simcha wasn’t having it. “ Shabbos Koidesh” could barely be discerned from within the thundering chorus of claps, cheers, and bodies that towered over chairs and created the circus that is such a trademark of the Simcha family.
Blondini’s surprise visit to camp allowed us the privilege of hearing a Dvar Torah like no other and Rabbi Scholar led the late night tisch that affirmed yet again the unimaginable
selflessness that permeates every corner of this campus. The cholent, though peppery, could not compare to the fire of R’ Scholar’s impassioned tone and to be sure, there was more than one set of tears flowing. ( To be continued)...

Canteen Correspondent

Day 2
They’re potatoes cut into tiny slices, put any topping on it and its instantly popular. This is how they were originated. The original potato chip recipe was created by Chef George Crum at Moon's Lake House near Saratoga Springs, New York, on August 24, 1853. Fed up with a customer who continued to send his fried potatoes back complaining that they were too thick and soggy, Crum decided to slice the potatoes so thin that they could not be eaten with a fork. As they could not be fried normally in a pan, he decided to stir-fry the potato slices. Against Crum's expectation, the guest was ecstatic about the new chips and they soon became a regular item on the lodge's menu and became a world favorite! I was thinking about It, and ruffles would soooo win in a fight between lays & ruffles. You see ruffles aren’t regular potato chips they are manufactured in a way that makes them thicker. Lays on the other hand are just thin, wimpy, and way to salty if you ask me.
So, ruffles would totally beat lays in a fight. Any day, any time just the name the place.
-Jake Plaut
And avi silver

No-Man’s Land

Day 2
The grass danced and bent subserviently to the winds that blew across camp this morning. At first, the thick blanket of clouds that had sought in vain to dampen the sprit and ruach that greets this corner of the Catskills every morning had -in combination with the gale-force winds- created the impression that we would soon be privy to the washout of the summer.
But, true to that old adage “ There is NO rain in Camp Simcha”, nature’s trickery let up to reveal that the rumble in the distance was not a bird, plane, or the whole lot of Dembi’s lost socks coming back home. It was the din of impossibly large, imposing blades; those part of the helicopter that would take up campers and bring down pilots. Donning bright yellow tees with the proper credentials, campers were hoisted in threes to the skies over Glen Spey. Through the smoky fog eerily rising from the pines and the rain drops running up the windshield, all (save for the unlucky counselors) were treated to magnificent views the streams, complacent in their stillness, and the gently rolling hills that surround Camp Simcha Special.
It was not long before our new pilots needed to come in for a landing. Even as the soft thud reminded them that they were back on solid footing- even hundreds of feet below those elusive, solemnly beautiful skies, the smiles that beamed across hundreds of faces were a collective testament to the fact that the past 5 minutes had made soar not only campers, but spirits and hearts alike.

By, T.P.

As it seems

As it seems by Ari Rosenberg
Friday, July 24, 2009

Here in Camp Simcha Special, it is not too difficult to see miracles. Miracles are when things that do not happen...happen. Purim in July is a good example. Here at Simcha Special, the only difference from Purim is the Megilla reading. We wear costumes, experience hidden miracles, and give out canteen food, every single day. However, it was not enough for us. Therefore, we made ourselves our own day for Purim. Why? Because we felt like it, because we can, and because we wanted to read our own Camp Simcha Special mad-lib Megilla. This congregation though, likes to celebrate more than it likes to boo. Therefore, instead of Haman, we have “UPROAR” –ten seconds of pure, chest pounding, floor thumping, party time.
What is Purim truly about? Is it all just groggers, sharing food, and dressing like a clown? Really, those are only what we do, not who we are. On Purim, that which we think is hidden is explained, and that which is obvious, becomes complicated. Allow me to explain this nonsense. Appearances can be deceiving. A pig looks kosher because of its split hooves. However, a closer look shows that it does not chew its cud, rendering it not kosher. Conversely, a bee is a non-kosher insect. Though give it a chance, and the bee will lead you to its sweet honey, which is not only kosher, but also delicious.
We read in the Shema every day-ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם ואחרי עיניכם אשר אתם זנים אחריהם. “ Do not follow after your heart and after your eyes by which you go astray.” Only what Hashem tells us is true. Everything else can be questioned. So just like when you see a gorilla walking around or a nine-foot frog on the street during Purim, and you do not assume it is a real animal, do not always believe what you see in life. The world is full of great things and great people; we just need to close our eyes to see it all.

Canteen Correspondant- Pretzels

Canteen Correspondant- Pretzels by Camper Jake Plaut
Friday, July 24, 2009

They’re salty, they’re crunchy, and they’re tied in a knot. What are they?
PRETZELS! Everyone loves this majestic tasty doughy treat. There are so many shapes of pretzels, such as knots, rings, sticks, twists, stubs... Then there are different flavors, there are honey-mustard, sesame seed, salt less, jalapeño, peanut butter filled... there are also dips, chocolate, white chocolate, vanilla, chocolate drizzled, white chocolate drizzled, vanilla drizzled... for more info on pretzels, visit David Elephant at the canteen. By the way, the canteen is getting soft pretzels today.

Simcha Madness

Simcha Madness by Ari Rosenberg
Thursday, July 23rd 2009

It seems there is an unspoken law in Camp Simcha Special that everyone knows about. The law states that every time a Minyan or more is together as a group they all, without hesitation or exception, MUST...go bananas. I call this law Simcha Madness because it seems more like a psychological disorder that turns otherwise normal people berserk. Though nobody questions it, everyone joins in it, and those who do not are labeled “slackers.” This points to only one possible reason- it must be the law. Nobody is allowed to refrain from Simcha Madness because it is Camp Simcha Special Law.
The first night activity of the summer, Sky Divers, captured entirely what Simcha Madness is all about- just a whole lot of jumping and screaming. The Sky Divers, a team of three trampoline acrobats –including one Olympic Silver Medalist/ Guinness World Record holder- showed off their abilities to flip, spin, play catch, and even surf and hula hoop ten to fifteen feet in the air. They would only do this though, if Camp Simcha Special were loud enough. The louder the screams- the higher the jumps. And so it went, another episode of Simcha Madness: A whole lot of jumping and screaming.
However, there is something compelling about it all. As every body soars into the air –and into each other- a fresh breath of unity enters the body, grabs any bit of sadness it can find and exits back through the mouth, in the shape of a smile, ear to ear. So at the end of the day, it is not only sore calves and headaches that put us to sleep at night, but also the sore cheeks, because grinning all day is tiring, especially when you can’t help but do it. If we define madness as a great enthusiasm or excitement for rash or thoughtless behavior, then this madness called “happiness” is all right with me.


The Road to Happiness by Ari Rosenberg
Thursday, July 23rd 2009

The staff had been waiting anxiously while the campers traveled from Far and Wide. For too long, Camp Simcha Special had felt empty and lonely, as its campers went through their year. Almost as if Camp Simcha Special were alive, its future staff and campers could feel the camps pain. They all waited, counting the days go by as if something were missing. And then it came: Day One.
Before the campers had even set eyes on the camp, its counselors, waiters, specialty staff, and others were already experiencing what makes it unlike any place in the world. Singing, dancing and laughing with such sincere joy: where else can one fall in love in one day with such a place? Where else are the sad– happy, the bored– excited, and the ordinary– Extraordinary?
When the campers did come, they were welcomed in with open arms...then sandwiched. Greeted excitedly with roars and loud chanting of their names, it was as if they were a sports team coming back home after a win to be greeted by their town as heroes. Though these tiny heroes were also welcomed with the warmest smiles and biggest hugs, as a family greets one of it’s own after a trip that to both traveler and greeter alike, just took too long.
Smiles abound it soon became impossible not to catch the epidemic of happiness spreading from cheek to cheek. In all our lives, we shall never forget that there is a road in Camp Simcha Special that brings all people in, but only happy ones out. How special it is to be בשמחה!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Last Day Happenings

After our final lunch together, where we heard graduation speeches from many of our campers, everyone headed to the Social Hall for a special concert by...Yakov Shwekey! Everyone had a blast singing and dancing at one last concert together.

After the concert, everyone made their way back to their bunkhouses to pack before heading to banquet. There we enjoyed all kinds of delicious food that was followed by a graduation procession. The graduation began with speeches by the valedictorians: Shayna, Ellen, and Esti W. Afterwards, the division heads called each "graduate" by name and and awarded each girl a diploma along with different distinctions such as cutest smile, best hugger, etc.

After graduation came to an end, everyone made their way to the social hall. There we heard all different camp songs sung by various staff, followed by many comedy routines and dances from a combination of staff and campers. Finally, it was time to watch the long-awaited Camp Simcha 2009 video where we re-lived all of this summer's wonderful memories.

As the realization of the few hours left together set in, everyone made their way to bed, not yet ready for all of our amazing times to come to end, but happy knowing that the warm memories we have created this summer will follow us far into the year, especially when shared all together.

An an annoymous quoter stated: "Distance never seperates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss."

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Spotlight On This Summer's Workshops

One of many new workshops that campers enjoyed this session was Le Chocolat. In Le Chocolat, campers created different types of yummy chocolate creations by painting chocolate molds with melted dark chocolate and colored white chocolate. The molds ranged from various two dimensional flower molds to three dimensional flower molds which were made by the campers and then placed in chocolate vases. Our campers said "the workshop was really good." Danielle S. said that “it was yummy!”

Another great activity that our campers loved was Glass Fusion. There, campers chose various projects that they wished to create out of glass, ranging from rings, plates, mezuzah cases, necklaces, picture frames, cufflinks, and even cell phone charms! The camper then decorated their creations with shapes, frit (small pieces of glass), or stringer (strings of glass). After their pieces were finished, their crafts were baked in a kiln for eighteen hours, resulting in unique, beautiful, professional looking pieces for each camper to take home and enjoy or even give as beautiful gifts. One camper said that she liked making momentos for her counselor!

From Arts and Crafts, Pottery, Leather, Photography, Baking, Sweet Shop, Scrapbooking, Candle Works, Jamming and so much more, Camp Simcha truly has so many wonderful activites to offer! Thank you to all of our terrific workshop heads for all of your hard work! :)


Today we begin our last full day of camp celebrating Simcha's Graduating Class of 2009. This morning clad in cap and gown, everyone made their way to the dining room which was decorated with graduation streamers. After breakfast, campers went to various open workshops to complete any un-finished creations.

Following the completion of all masterpieces is a special activity in the social hall followed by our slide show showcasing all of this summer's great memories.

Check back soon for more news on today's happenings!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

"Shabbos In Camp Simcha Is Gevaldik!"

Our last shabbos together in Camp Simcha has come to an end and we truly were all saddened to see it go. Friday night, the camp gathered together for Kabbalas Shabbos and the beautiful singing continued throughout the rest of shabbos and deep into the night, long after shabbos ended. Inspiring Divrei Torah were given and the ruach was stronger than ever before. Our shabbos choir was even more spectacular than ordinary. Solos by Noa, Eden, Shaina, Mashy, Gali, Sorelle, Efrat, Miriam, Yehudis, Sarala and the rest of our singers were unbelievably stunning. A beautiful melody was song by our staff and Chumi West astounded us all with the songs she composed, including a "goodbye" song. Everyone held on to shabbos as long as they could, not wanting the last day of camp to arrive. "We don't wanna go home" was chanted throughout the room. Despite all of our camp-ending blues, it ain't over 'til it's over...looking forward to our last day together, full of more excitement and more memories to take home with us!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Adventures Down The Delaware

This morning after breakfast, the buses were loaded as our camp embarked on a rafting trip down the Delaware River! When we arrived at our destination, everyone spilled out of the bus and onto the rafts. According to many of our campers, the best part of the ride down the river was when the rafts would occasionally get stuck on rocks and counselors would jump into the water to shake them off! Becky said "the Delaware was my favorite part of the year." Tess said "It was so much fun, especially when Zoey fell out of the boat." Isabelle said it was "wet". After rafting was through, everyone ate lunch and then headed back onto the bus to go back to camp.

Once we arrived back in camp, everyone went off to various workshops to finish up their started creations and started preparing for our very last shabbos together in camp. As sad as we are to be going home soon, we're looking forward to having more fun together this weekend!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Shloime Dachs Concert and Improv Show!

Straight after our carnival was over, we made our way to the social hall for a concert with Shloime Dachs who we're privileged to have perform for us every summer! Everyone sang, danced and cheered their hearts out as Shloimie sang many of our favorite songs! He even sang a song for Chani Katz in honor of her Bas Mitzvah and welcomed Sorelle back to camp! Thank you Shloimie for yet another awesome concert!

The entertainment continued after dinner where we enjoyed a "theater sports" show performed by improv artists from the Freestyle Repertory Theatre! The improvers (who called their teams the "Beach Bums" and the "Shpitz's") had us laughing away as they challenged each other in various comical improv acts. Many of our campers who were called up to assist in the acts included, Arianna, Rachel, Tzippy, Sarah, Ellen and Leora. Despite deafening cheers for both teams, in the end, the "Beach Bum" team were declared the winners and the "Shpitz's" came in second. This show as all previous summer performances by the Freestyle Repertory Theatres was hilariously fun and we look forward to future performances!

Now as we speak our camp is slowly making it's way to bed in preparation for tomorrow's exciting trip...down the Delaware!

Deal Carnival!

Today, our camp celebrated our annual Deal Day with a carnival! In addition to many excitng booths, our carnival featured a slip and slide, a dunking booth, moonbounces, a bungee-trampoline and a rock climbing wall, just to name a few. Our campers had the time of their lives visiting booths, climbing, jumping and getting wet. Water guns could be spotted throughout, as campers ran around squirting their counselors and friends! In addition to the amazing carnival, our Deal visitors brought all kinds of presents for the campers that they were thrilled to receive! One of our Israeli campers Natalie said " it's so nice coming home with all of these presents. Thank you to all of the people from Deal who donated. It makes us so happy." Hanit said "I'm so excited, I'm going to replace all of my old toys with my new ones!" Deal Day is something our camp greatly looks forward to every year and we thank all of our friends from Deal for making it possible!

Surf's Up!

Grab a towel and some sunscreen and head on over to our Beach Party! Today, our campers went down to the "beach" where they made pictures out of sand as well as beautiful sand art in shell shaped bottles and necklaces of various other shapes. Across the field by the volleyball court, campers also played in the sand with shovels and pails, building tall sand castles. Afterwards, beach bags slung over their shoulders, they walked through the field, hunting for shells of various sizes and colors that were scattered throughout.

The Shpitz's went into the "woods" behind the field where they had paintball! Campers were given guns filled with different colored paint balls that they had to shoot at wooden animals that were set up. Said a few of our Shpitz campers "it was awesome!" Now we're off to lunch and then to a carnival in honor of Deal Day!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Late Night News!

Tonight after dinner, the camp was bursting with activity! While our Hot Shot division enjoyed night-swim, Jeanie's Jellybellies gathered pajama-clad in the social hall for a slumber party, complete with mattresses, blankets, snacks and a big screen showing of Nancy Drew. Across the field, our Israeli chevra got together for a bonfire where they sang tunes, roasted s'mores and ate hot dogs. While all this action was taking place, the Shpitzes "bummed" around camp. Said Ellen G. "I love relaxing and hanging out with my counselor."

Once the clock struck nine, all the activity stopped and the entire camp came together on the lawn for a dazzling display of fireworks! Beautiful sparks of every color shot over our heads amd illuminated the sky. When it was over, everyone jumped out of their seats and began dancing, music blasting in the background. Mor, one of our Israeli campers said the fireworks were "really cool!" Shani said "it was amazing!" What a perfect end to another perfect day in Camp Simcha!


Today at lunch, in accordance with our topsy turvy theme, our camp was served dinner food instead of the usual dairy spread. After our lunch-turned-dinner was over, we made our way across the dining room where we made beautiful masquerade ball-like masks in honor of Purim! Campers creatively decorated their masks with various color paint, sequins, glitter, and pompoms. The finished products were absolutely spectacular!

While our campers were hard at work on their beautiful masterpieces, twenty five staff members, wearing their own masks as disguise, cleverly hid themselves around camp. Once the mask making was over, the search party began! Everyone ran out of the dining room, in search of the staff and collected a puzzle piece from each hidden girl that in the end was pieced together seperately by division, each resulting in it's own unique puzzle.

Congratulations to the Israeli division who were the winners of the search!

Simcha's Got Talent!

Move over America 'cause Simcha's taking over! This morning after breakfast, everyone gathered in the social hall for a talent show showcasing the performances of none other than our camper stars! Everyone clapped and cheered as our entertainers put on spectactular performances that included singing, dancing routines, hoola hooping, a comedy act, a balloon show and a pogo stick performance, among others.

After the show, we caught up with some of our performers and heard what they had to say about the acts they put on. Zoey, who performed “Grease,” said that “being Grease rocked.” Arianna, who sang and danced, commented that “the show was really fun.” Elizabeth, who sang “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus, said that “it was cool.”

Thank you campers for putting on an incredibly enjoyable show- you've really got some talent!

Tune in for more on NBC...

Chag Purim Sameach!

Yes, you've heard right! Today our camp is in fact celebrating SIMCHAs Purim- the Simcha way... smack in the middle of July! This morning, our dining room was all decked out in celebration- jester hats hanging from the ceilings, large cut-out masks on display and of course Purim music playing throughout. So many exciting activities are in store for us today, beginning now with a Talent Show in the social hall- stay tuned for a full review!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Baruch Haba!

After our party tonight, everyone gathered around the front gate for the last special surprise of the day...a brand new speedboat contributed to the camp by an annoymous donor! Everyone gasped in awe at Simcha's newest present and immediately welcomed the boat into our family by cheering and singing "Baruch Haba...welcome to Camp Simcha! This truly was the cherry on top of a fantastic day!

"Just Our Cup Of Tea"

Tonight after dinner, dressed in elegant gowns, fancy hats and beautiful makeup, we made our way across the front lawn of camp where a tea party like no other was set up. Beautiful and bright pink, green and yellow table cloths were draped across the tables, miniature porcelain tea cups were spread across and glasses full of various color roses and sunflowers added the finishing touch. Cupcakes, petit fours, fancy "Simcha" cookies, candies, tasty fruit punch and lemonade ganished with lemon slices were set up on gorgeous display and delightful music created a charming atmosphere. In the back, a hat station was set up where campers designed and decorated straw hats with ribbons, bows, lace and flowers.

As the party went on, a few of our campers waltzed to the music, while some others went Harry Potter style, engaging in a game of "Quidditch" with actual brooms! All in all, our tea party was spectacularly delightful! Elizabeth said her favorite part was the food. Said Ellen "the tea party had some of the best desserts I ever had in my entire life!"

Lipa Comes To Simcha!!!

Today after lunch, we made our way into the social hall for a very special and very rare treat...Lipa Shmeltzer in concert!! This very concert truly was one-of-a-kind in Simcha concert history! Lipa, accompanied by new up and comers Shloimie Gertner and Benny Webber sang many of our favorite songs (both fast and slow), including his new popular "Hentelach" and even sang Simcha's rendition "We are high on Tamiflu"!

Throughout the concert, the singing, dancing and cheering never ceased. Rachel R. said "the concert was awesome!" Sorelle thought "it was geshmak!" Remarked Chani K. "I love Lipa!"

Simcha Goes Green!

Welcome to Simcha Gardens! This morning everyone walked into the dining room for breakfast to find it transformed into a beautiful garden. Surrounding the stage were beautiful flowers and plants and even a miniature gazebo and windmill!

One of today's activities included a new one, never before had in Simcha- Lucie B. Jumpin' Fun where our campers learned all new kinds of jump rope tricks and had numerous jump rope contests! Elizabeth S. said the acitivity "was a lot of fun!"

After jumping rope, we then went off to "Hobby Quest", another new fun activity in camp where we constructed airplanes and then learned to fly them! Said a bunch of campers "it was great!

Now we're off to lunch and then a special activity which is to take place in the social hall- stay tuned for more!

Monday, July 13, 2009

How Do You Spell Victory???

Well folks, today's big Super Bowl Bash was quite momentous! After lunch and the completion of commercial making, everyone gathered onto the tennis court for the big game! Our camper stars sported blue jerseys while counselors and staff wore red. Music blasting, crowd cheering, our game began! Touchdown after touchdown was scored by our campers as the crowd went wild! During half time, our spirited cheerleaders had us chanting,cheering and dancing with them. Despite the tremendous heat, the energy on and off field never stopped!

After our victory, everyone made their way to the dining room for a big celebratory dinner where we became re-energized. Afterwards, we headed off to the social hall for commericial viewing! Everyone laughed and cheered upon watching the hilarious commercials advertising tamiflu, purell, microphones, bandanas, and transporters, among a few.

Everyone (with the exception of our Israeli bunch who tie-dyed by Roofy Roofy!) then made their way across the road to the gym for the last part of our after-party featuring Steve Max, Simon Sez! This show is one our camp looks forward to every year as Steve never fails to be amusing while involving all the campers and staff in his performance. The campers as usual managed to outlast the counselors in the game of Simon Sez by not falling for Steve's tricks! Among those campers called up from the audience were Mushka and Rachel.

As night activity ended, everyone made their way back to their bunks, tired from a long day, but in high spirits from such a fantasticly enjoyable one!

Here We Go...Simcha's Going To The Super Bowl!

Welcome to the second annual Simcha Super Bowl! This is Tamara reporting live from Glen Spey, NY where preparations for the big event have begun since the early hours of the morning. We started off our day to the sound of helicopter engines circling overhead...that's right, today our annual helicopter rides came to camp! What better way for our camper stars to kickoff (pun intended) their morning than to relax and gear up for tonight's big game by enjoying a nice, serene sky ride around camp?

After the rides were finished, our Simcha filmmakers began producing their own commercials for the Superbowl, which are still in progress as I report to you. The commercials will be screened tonight during the after-party. Looking forward to previewing all the different and original ideas! Now it is almost lunchtime where our young team of athletes must load up before the game!

We shall be back with more updates live from Simcha Field!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Birthday Celebration Continues...

The Birthday festivities continued tonight by dinner where we celebrated all the girls in camp who are of Bat Mitzvah age. Following dinner, there was music and dancing and even a pinata, which all the campers enjoyed taking a swing at! After a brief fire drill that followed dinner, we headed to the social hall for tonight's night activity- a magic show performed by magician, Jeff Carson! Carson had everyone mesmerized by his magic tricks involving the use of ropes, bubbles, hankercheifs, cards, mirrors, hangers and balls. Many of our campers, including Becky and Arianna and staff members were called up from the audience to volunteer and assist on stage as everyone cheered them on! Today's celebrations truly were a blast and a wonderful time was had by all! Looking forward to "Superbowl Sunday" (or Monday, I should say) tomorrow!

**The winners of the cake decorating contest: Tied for 1st Place- The Wedding Cake and the Israeli Heart Cake!!

Calling All Birthday Girls!

Today Camp Simcha's celebrated theme was...Birthday Parties! After breakfast along with our regular activities, our day began with a very special treat....none other than our favorite Simcha (motorcycle) Riders! Excitement was in the air as campers enjoyed their motorcyle rides around camp and reportedly joined in dancing with the motorcylclists afterward! A great time was had by all as we look forward to this activity every year!

During lunch, we welcomed our latest arrival to camp, Rachel R.! Following, we had a birthday party celebration that began with a Pass-the-Present game. Among the numerous presents that campers won, Eliana got a jump rope, Bassie R. received a yoyo, and Ryan’s gift was a Go Fish game. We then moved on to freeze dancing and Musical Chairs- at one point, campers had to drink a cup of water before they sat down!

After Musical Chairs, the campers worked on a chesed project: creating bead bracelets and coloring jewelry boxes for children of OHEL and Friendship Circle. Finally, cake decorating rounded off the birthday party. Each bunk received a sheet cake and had the opportunity to decorate their cake with frosting, sprinkles, chocolate chips, marshmallows, chocolate syrup, and an assortment of other yummy candies. Each cake was to be judged afterward based on it's presentation- the winner still to be announced! After the celebrations, campers went off to their various activities- Ropes Course, Jamming, Calendar Making, Papercuts, Swoosh and Leather, among many.

Now off to dinner and then night activity, which is sure to be a blast! We'll be back soon with more updates!

Shavua Tov!

Our first shabbos in camp is already behind us and what a wonderful one it was! After a beautiful Kabbalas Shabbos Friday night, everyone made their way into the dining room, holding hands and singing for our first shabbos meal. Beautiful zemiros and abundant energy filled the dining room throughout the meal. Our ever lively Israeli bunch of staff and campers continue to add their own special ruach to the camp with all their song and cheer! As the dining room quieted down, we were privileged to hear beautiful Divrei Torah from a few of our awe-inspiring campers, followed by dessert and benching. As our younger campers made their way into bed, an oneg shabbos was held for our teen campers and staff members, complete with delicious cholent, more nosh and words of wisdom from our camp's esteemed Rabbi Scholar. As the hours grew late, those still left awake began to retire for the night in anticipation for the event-filled shabbos day that was to come.

Shabbos morning began with an early breakfast for those awake early, followed by a delicious late morning kiddush for the entire camp. Everyone then went off to their various learning groups before returning to the dining room for our shabbos seudah. Following lunch, more singing and Divrei Torah, everyone gathered around the stage for the anticipated weekly shabbos skit. Our staff members and campers as usual put on a comical show that the audience greatly enjoyed watching. After the performance, many went off to play bingo in the canteen where snacks and prizes awaited, while others went on walks around camp with their friends or went to go rest in their bunkhouse.

As the end of the relaxing day neared, we went to shalosh seudos where we ate more yummy food (along with ice cream for dessert!) and heard the beautiful voices of all the many different and talented campers that made up our shabbos choir, headed by our very devoted Aviva Honikman. Havdallah followed with more song and everyone wishing that our wonderful shabbos didn't have to end just yet. Motzei Shabbos began as music and dancing broke out in the dining room and Melava Malka was set up. The energy was contagious as everyone sang and danced their hearts out, eager for the start of another fun-filled week!

Friday, July 10, 2009

We Are Family!

We've already made it to the third day of camp! After breakfast this morning, the Camp Simcha family gathered around for their family portraits, as today's theme is...Family Reunion! We then headed off to all our fun activities- Photograhy, Sweet Shop, Woodworking, Swim, Dimensions, Pottery, Candle Works and more! Everyone then made their way into the gym for this morning's special activity...Dance Dance Revolution! Wow, what rhythym we have here in camp! Everyone was on beat as we followed the musical cues and colorful arrows on screen to those on our dance platforms. Yael on platform #17 showed us her amazing dance skills as she was the coninuous winner of each dance!

After our great workout, we headed to the dining room for lunch followed by entertaining performances from our bunks. Nerds, Texas Cowboys and the Jonas Brothers..all of our different, amusing families put on a great show! Now on to Arts and Crafts, Pottery, Glass Fusion, Jamming, Challah Baking and Family Fued as our special activity before we prepare for our first shabbos together in camp! Looking forward to more bonding, singing, relaxing and of course..lots more fun and excitement!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mazal tov! It's a...

Today, Camp Simcha celebrated the weddings of beautiful blushing brides and their “brooms.” All the divisions were given the task of using toilet paper to construct gorgeous gowns for their brides, and brooms and balloons to create handsome grooms. The brides confidently walked down the red carpet and under the Chuppah to the song of “A Whole New World.” The Hot Shots began the wedding procession with their two beautiful brides. Issabella was led down the aisle by Karen, her bridesmaid, while Elana was escorted by Rachel. Rotem and Hadar were the stunning Carnival Division brides and “married” Rabbi Nachman and Rabbi Natan. The Shpitzs were proud to congratulate their stunning brides, Tali and Rebecca, on their wedding day. Finally, the Jelly Bellies were graced with the presence of four gorgeous brides: Esther, Bat-chen, Ryan, and Jenny and two lovely flower girls: Maya and Leah. We paused two of the brides during their gown fittings to ask how it felt to be getting married. Rebecca said that it was “Kinda weird but good, while Issabella joked that she didn’t know where her mom was. The wedding ended with lively Simcha dancing.

Campers also participated in various different exciting workshops today. Dina C.’s favorite part of the day was woodworks where she made a bencher holder, while Elina loved tennis. Sara told us that she loved candle making and Shayna liked boating best; she got the best seat in the boat! Sorelle, who was dressed up as a beautiful Kallah, loved going boating on her “wedding day”!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

After a delicious supper accompanied by Tali's great singing and, of course, more dancing, we headed to the Social Hall for the very first night activity. Staff members from all areas of camp introduced themselves with their own entertaining versions of some of our favorite songs, and the hall really rocked as everyone danced and cheered along. The introductions were so exciting that we can't wait to try out all the fabulous workshops and activities!

That will have to wait until tomorrow, though. Right now, it's time to settle in, get to know the bunkmates with whom we will share some of the best moments of our lives, and rest up for tomorrow's party -- I hear it's going to be a real blast!

New Arrivals!

Welcome to Camp Simcha 2009 -- Let's Party! It's the beginning of another incredible, fun-filled session at the greatest camp in the world!

As the long-awaited campers arrived from Brooklyn, Monsey, Baltimore, Israel, England, and other locations around the world, they were ushered into camp by hundreds of singing, dancing staff members dressed in some of the craziest costumes ever! Lively music by our favorite musician and DJ, Aviva, filled the entrance to camp as campers joined the fun. Returning campers couldn't wait to see their old friends again and catch up, while the newcomers immediately began to make new friends and discover for the first time what Simcha Magic is about.

The enthusiasm around here is contagious. We can't wait to see what fun and surprises this session has in store! But first, we're going to head to the dining room for our first delicious dinner in Camp Simcha. See you later -- if we're not too busy partying, that is!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Camp that Never Sleeps

One may think that the action is over in Camp Simcha once the campers depart, but in fact changes are very quietly taking place throughout the beautiful grounds and facilities. Over the last 24 hours, everything in the camp has been sterilized and refreshed in preparation for our next round of lovable campers.

Word just got in that hundreds of new and returning staff have arrived back in camp and are already starting to prepare for the upcoming session which begins tomorrow. When I next report to you, the camp will be vibrant with colorful new decorations and fresh energy as we anticipate the arrival of our first Camp Simcha Girls!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Departure Day

The Simcha Magic isn't over till it's over, folks, and even then it goes on and on! Even as campers trickle out of the grounds, picked up by buses or family, everyone continues to bond until the very last second. Campers wait in groups, hugging tightly and sharing some more precious time together. Parents who come to pick up their campers find them wearing the biggest smiles of the year, looking brighter and better than ever after the best Simcha Special session ever! The campers couldn't wait to show their families their workshop creations and introduce them to all their friends.

As we walk through the steadily quieting grounds, the atmosphere retains its uplifting feeling. Groups of friends spontaneously burst out in song and laughter; counselors stand by the gate waving until their campers are well out of sight. There's not a moment of fun to waste on the last morning in Camp Simcha.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

In Theaters Now

On the last night of camp, we were treated to an exclusive debut screening of the brand-new movie starring the cast and crew of Camp Simcha Special! We welcomed it with the most enthusiastic cheering and singing yet, so excited to relive the most memorable moments of the past two weeks. It was a way of gift-wrapping the Simcha Special memories so we could take them all home fresh in our minds. We don't wanna go, we don't wanna go, we don't wanna go home -- but fortunately the warm memories we take with us will last well into the year, especially when we share them with all the friends we've made.

Commencement Exercises

The graduation ceremonies at Simcha Special began with a moving valedictory speech by Rachel B., (assisted by Elyse L.) who shared with us her feelings of love and gratitude to all of the members of the CSS family. She then entertained us on the keyboard with a merry tune, an especially inspiring accomplishment because of her hearing difficulty.

This performance was followed by a dazzling slideshow featuring all of the world's greatest campers and staff. Everyone sang along to our favorite tunes and cheered for our friends as their faces appeared on screen. The show featured stunning photos that captured and helped us relive the highlights of this fabulous camp session.

After a sumptuous graduation party buffet, each camper was called to the dais to receive a diploma and a personalized award. Campers were recognized for their middos, athletics, smiles, talents, and other distinctions. We concluded the celebration by expressing our thanks to all those who made the Simcha Special experience possible. It was a most fitting way to celebrate the completion of an outstanding camp session.

The Finishing Touches

In workshop news on this graduation day, campers completed the projects they have worked on this summer. They are coming home with gifts for family and friends and mementos for themselves. Handmade headbands; hair clips; scrapbooks; calendars; photography projects, with pictures of themselves and more abstract art; mosaic jewelry boxes; small leathers goods like belts, cell phone holders, albums; pottery including mugs, bowls, spoon rests; wooden napkin holders and key racks; party favors and more items too numerous too list. Campers are wrapping these up in paper and memories and storing them in their suitcases and later their hearts and minds. Certainly, these projects represent to them far more than the items themselves. Each piece is a piece of a summer held dearly to their hearts.

Congratulations Class of 2009!

"We need you on our graduation breakfast. Everyone please make your way to the graduation breakfast. . ." The announcement came over the P.A. system. Already, CSS'09 graduates were lining the hallowed hall of the dining room. Dressed appropriately in cap and gown, campers and staff gathered at the podium under a banner of graduation streamers for a final after-breakfast dancing session. What's to come on this day of graduation?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Simcha Welcomes a New Week!

Gut Vuch!

We ask for a week of joy and success, a week of health and happiness. . .

These are the words we chant together as we say goodbye to the week that's past and welcome in the days ahead.

A few words now about what's happened. Today, we enjoyed many Shabbos activities. Shabbos play with Mrs. K., choir with our talented speakers, inspirational talks by our campers, Bingo, Storytelling, canteen. Now about that canteen. As a part-time canteen staffer, I see candy consumption from the other side of the window. Let's just say that our campers know good nosh when they see it. :) But moving right along, the Shabbos afternoon at camp is an experience that many campers look forward to all year long.

As much as we go into Shabbos with singing, we come out of it with even more musical celebretion. Lively dancing and a buffet (melave malka) usher in the new week with an upbeat tempo. Tonight, Miri Greenberg, an exceptionally talented staff member, and the person behind CSS's recording studio, led a concert. She also taught us a new song and we all joined in for a wonderful night.

Check back in the morning for more updates.

Friday, July 3, 2009

TGIF in Camp Simcha

The end of a week is here again and we can hardly believe it. Friday was a packed day with two shows. Now campers are finishing up their projects in open workshops. I drifted from activity to activity, always stopping to get my hands dirty.

I particularly spent time at Roofy Roofy where I helped cut up chunks of freshly-made sheets of wax into chunks. I'll admit the lush pink and green chunks looked and smelled like dried fruit or candy and I had to resist popping them into my mouth for a treat. Kylie was also helping out and she says she's made over thirty candles already. After making the chunks, we peeled wax candles out of their molds. The flowers and geometric shapes and beautiful multi-color candles will keep sweet memories burning in our hearts for a long time.

At scrapbooking, many campers were busy working on their calendars. With all the colorful paper and accessories, I wanted to make one for myself. Maybe when I get home, I'll put out an unfinished scrapbook from under my bed.

It's getting late in the afternoon and camp is preparing for shabbos. We're putting our hair into our best headbands from the Ribbons and Bows workshop and dressing in our prettiest outfits. Soon we'll welcome shabbos in song and eat a special meal. The singing is a highlight of the evening, with campers and staff complementing each other in reciprocal songs. Many campers are given the chance to be the leader of the group, donning the special "singing shtreimel."

Tonight, after the meal, we'll have a special Shabbos party (oneg) and spend time engaging in "Deep Meaningful Conversation." Many campers also enjoy shabbos walks with their counselors or rotators or friends. There's something magical about walking between the shade of the trees enlightened by the moon and crisp summer breeze.

This is Leah, and I'm signing off, until tomorrow night.

Workshop Watch: Ropes Course

From deep in the Simcha Jungle, we bring you reports of campers hanging from trees. Yes, the zip line is open! And we are taking advantage. Suspended from harnesses, climbing up trees, campers are taking advantage of this rare opportunity. What a joy to watch Rachel B. as she zooms down the zip line, speeding along twenty feet in the air.

CSS Juggles Family and Fun

From the front row of the social hall, this is Leah with WCSS. I'm watching four - no, five or is it six? - bowling pins fly up in the air, then land safely in the hands of this juggling duo. Without missing a beat to the music and lights in the background, the able jugglers are jumping on stage, throwing up knives and then, as we hold our collective breath, returning the spinning blades to the air. This show is always a crowd-pleaser and this time is no exception.

Camp Simcha Embroiled in Family Feud

We held our breath as the Brady Bunch battled the Flintstones in a heated game of "Family Fued." Of course, at CSS, we don't really fight. Think of it more as a challenge of the minds in a game that was both amusing and entertaining.

Simcha Family Reunites

This is Leah reporting to you from the scene where Camp Simcha has gathered for a "Family Reunion."

Campus is swarming with Bubbes and Zaides, Aunts and Uncles, and of course, the family dog. Grandma's friend Bubba SueSue (Pia L.) is in attendance. We are also getting reports of spottings of various members of the Addams Family. The Simcha family is large and that means that we've got some strange relatives too. A fair share of hippies, people sporting extremely large hair-dos and all manners of fantastic garb, are in from the Four Corners of The Earth.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Party of a Lifetime

Hi, everyone, this is guest blogger Chavie reporting to you from the most beautiful party yet: a double bat mitzvah for two of our special campers, Alexis and Kylie. The pair missed having a bat mitzvah at home, but they were thrilled to celebrate among their Simcha Special friends. As Kylie said in her inspiring speech,

"In Simcha Special, it doesn't matter if you're different on the outside or the inside. Everyone is accepted, everyone loves you, and everyone is special."
Alexis said that she and Kylie felt fully prepared to take on adulthood, and she shared with us some of the good deeds that the girls have done already.

The party was magnificently arranged, with gold table linens and a mouth-watering birthday cake. Our favorite musician, Aviva, filled the room with her lively keyboarding as the girls and their counselors danced the night away. Then, the Van family singers entertained us, our head counselors Rivky and Zahava sang a moving song, and bunkmates read acrostic poems in tribute to the bat mitzvah girls.

It has been an evening full of friendship and happiness, dancing and music, and beautiful, beaming smiles all around.

Simcha Magic Watch it on Stage!

Now you see it, now you don't.

Smiles of amusement played on our faces as we watched Jeff Carson's magic show. He performed magic tricks with ropes, bubbles, handkerchiefs, cubes, mirrors, hangers, and balls.

A piece of rope has two ends, no more, no less. How long is that piece of rope? Carson showed us that they were all the same length, but then one was short and one was long. We're still scratching out heads on that one.

Wait a minute - this guy went to college and all he learned were a couple of magic tricks? Actually, he learned to juggle too.

We thought we had established that we had 10 dollar bills. But apparently, this number had an error of plus or minus five. The "Bob Little Eleven Dollar Trick" had us laughing and cheering for Peessy and Liat. Bracha D. played poker against the magician but he had too many tricks up his sleeve. Rina, assisted by Sara, won a half dollar after opening many purses and bozes.

CSS is the Icing on the Cake

In a related news story out of Simcha's world-class bakery, campers participated in a cake decorating contest. Each two bunks decorated their own sheet cake. Among the winning designs were "I Love Camp Simcha Special," "Tamiflu Treats," "Fireworks" and "Checkerboard"

Of course, the best part was getting to eat them after.

Sara S. and Pia L. had this joint statement:
"We had a whipped cream fight that was a blast and had fun hosing off afterward."

Simcha Creates Frienships, One Bead at a Time

Good afternoon, I'm Leah and this is WCSS. I join you today from the dining room, where CSS is on a decorating streak. Campers are decorating and assembling jewelry boxes in which they will package handmade jewelry. These presents will be donated to the girls of OHEL and Friendship Circle. I am also participating in this activity. Though low-tech, it's great fun. I'm enjoying designing the pattern on the box, coloring with the shiny markers on the glossy surface of the box and keeping company with campers Rochel Blimi, Gully and Malka S. at my table. It's especially gratifying for campers to continue the chain of giving.

Hobby Quest

This is Leah from WCSS joining you from the baseball field where we are building helicopters and airplanes that actually fly. These small fliers are going to make a great addition to our collections at home.

Guest Post Canceled Due to More Pressing Plans

Good morning, this is Leah reporting from Glen Spey, NY. I'm in for Nechama S. who was supposed to be the guest blogger for today. In a statement issued by Ms. S., she was apparently too busy with other camp matters. As she said:
"I need to go bond with friends."

Party Favor: Birthday Pins

It's blinking birthday pins for today's party favor. Campers are amassing quite a collection of blinking objects. I imagine the whole Camp Simcha literally glowing in the dark. But then again, isn't CSS a beacon for so many of us already?

Simcha Ages Gracefully

We start off our birthday bash with party games namely pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, hot potato and pass-the-present. In our version of pass-the-present, each girl opened a layer of wrapping paper and received a small gift.

Happy Birthday Simcha Special and Mazal to all of the Bat Mitzvah girls!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dinner and a Show at CSS

From WCSS News in Glen Spey, it's Leah. And it's time for dinner on this glorious Independence Day Party. But tonight Simcha's eating barbeque. We're outside feasting on All-American hotdogs and hamburgers heaped high with tomatoes, onions and pickles, views of Lake Simcha stretching behind us.

In a related story, we bring you news of the result of today's presidential elections. Rachel L. (as Miss America), Rina K. (as Mickey Mouse), and Breindy H. (as herself) established their platforms in campaign speeches and fielded questions from the audience. The race was close, but in the end, Mickey Mouse won. Congratulations to Mickey Mouse, we hope you can fulfill your campaign promise to keep Camp Simcha Special open all year round...

And then camp went dark! And then pop-pop-pop, fireworks illuminate the darkened sky over Lake Simcha. Music blasting in the background, the display a terrific rainbow of green, purple, red and orange against the black of night. A perfect way to end our Independence Day Party.

Simons Says "Simcha"

Here we go. . . Simon Says, "Please stand up!"

Steve Max's Simon Sez is one of the most engaging programs in CSS. The show was hilarious and more importantly, involves total audience participation. Steve led the entire camp in Simon Sez, Simcha Style. There was a special round in honor of Molly and Samarra's birthday. It was declared a tie - fitting for this duo.

In a special counselor-only round, staff proved that it can follow directions. To quote Steve, "The thing that makes this camp better than the next is the counselors." (N.B.: This is an unabashed plug for our devoted and talented staff.)

Workshop Watch: Karaoke

From the gym came the sweet notes of a song where Sarah S., Juliette W., Emily R. and Samarra were belting out their favorite tunes. Karaoke is an especially fun workshop where campers get to express themselves. It also allows them to involve to involve their friends in shared song.

Simcha Stumbles on Slumberers

This just in: We're getting reports of campers parked out in the gym. Apparently this is some kind of "slumber party." Campers are in pajamas, watching a movie, munching on popcorn and telling secrets.

Workshop Watch: Baking

It's Leah here and I'll bet you didn't know that CSS has a world-famous bakery. That's right, and today, I popped in while Bunks 9 and 10 were eagerly filling an order of Iced Buttery Cutouts. Made from scratch by mixing all the right ingredients, rolling out the dough and cutting out creative shapes, these cookies are then decorated. Icing, sugar crystals and sprinkles grace the tops of these cookies and add just a bit more to their sweetness. I met some of the bakers. Here's what they said:

Rina K:
"Baking rocks and so do the people who work here."
Alexis B.:
"I like baking because it's so much fun and you can use your imagination with baking."
Rachel W.:
"I love cracking the eggs. Plus, you get to eat all the yummy stuff you bake."
"Baking is fun because you get to eat it after."

Workshop Watch: Mosaics

At the mosaic workshop, Francesca, Liam and Samarra were working diligently on decorating jewelry boxes. They used tacky glue, mosaic tiles and, finally, grout, to create multi-colored, unique pieces.

Party Favor: Flag Pins

In keeping with the patriotic theme of the day, campers received USA-shaped flag pins for party favors. The pins light up and will remind campers of camp long after they have to returned to their homes all across America and the world.

Simcha Serenades Us at Lunch

Live from the Dining Room, we bring you verse-by-verse reports of Camp Simcha spontaneously breaking out in song.

Give it up for Dr. Van! He sang to John Denver's song.

Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
Camp Simcha, Simcha Special
Take me home, country roads

Dr. Van's agent had the following statement: Dr. Van's latest CD is available at the office and he'll be signing autographs after lunch.

Please remove all hats and place your hand against your hand. Sarah S., Rachel B., Rachel L. and Chumie W. also entertained us with their renditions of the national anthem . . . Play Ball!

Baruch Levine Concert

From WCSS News in Gley Spey, Party City, I'm Leah. In today's top story headlines, Camp Simcha sang and danced to an exhilarating concert by Baruch Levine.

Levine sang the United States National Anthem. In honor of Canada Day, he also performed the Canadian National Anthem.

Happy Birthday, it's someone's birthday, Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to Molly and Samarra!
Levine called these two on stage and sang a special song for them.

Camp Simcha Special Shows Its Colors: Red, White and Blue

In Camp Simcha Special, we celebrate the Fourth of July three days early, the more to party. It's Election Day at camp and Stars and Stripes are waving proudly above a podium in the dining room. The crowd's dressed in Old Glory's colors and with the turnout is great. In fact, camp has come out in droves to support their favorite candidates. Elections for camp president are going to be close. This year Uncle Moishy, Mickey Mouse and Hannah Montana are running. Stay with us for updates from this battleground state.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Beau-Tea-ful Party

Our ladies who lunch were decked out in fanciful garden dresses, lace gloves and hats with flowers. Stepping into the CSS Garden (we continue to be be surprised by the different faces of the dining room), they let themselves take it all in. The tables were set with heavy brocade floral tablecloths, delicate china tea sets, bouquet centerpieces. A buffet of finger sandwiches, napoleons, custard cakes and petit fours graced the back table. Yet another station was set up where campers decorated straw hats with ribbons and bows and lace. Classical music played in the background as we dantily sipped out tea. 'Twas simply lovely.

The Mentalist Amazes Minds

Welcome back. This is Leah with member station WCSS. Thank you for joining us for today's segment of "Simcha Special Activity." We bring you reports of Ted Saint James, psychic entertainer, in a humorous and entertaining show. This mentalist involved every member of the audience in mind-reading games. We wrote down personal information that he could not possibly know and then gave him the cards. He blindfolded himself and then astounded us by guessing what we had written. Ted even correctly guessed the birthdate of Melanie C.

Rochel D. said,
"I loved it."
In an official statement camper Ilana F. said,
"It was freaky, like how could he read minds? Was it really real? It was wonderfully amazing."

Workshop Watch: Woodworking

Good afternoon and thanks for joining us today for this edition of Workshop Watch. I'm Leah and I'll be your host. Today we are getting reports of activity down at the Woodworking shop where Mr. Engel is helping campers fashion unique pieces out of wood. From piles of sawdust, emerge napkin holders, key racks, jewelry boxes among other things. Campers first saw the wood, then shape it, sand it, glue together any pieces, then finally stain and decorate it.

Yocheved Krakauer (no relation to Jon) contributed reporting to this story. She spoke with campers. Here's what they had to say:

Mara C. said she
"worked so hard and made a napkin holder."
Ilana F. made a key holder. She said,
"the best part was when I helped to cut the wood."
Another camper, Karen, said,
"I made my name and the best part was working with Risa on the saw."

It Never Rains in Camp Simcha, It Only Waters the Grass

The flowers we planted this morning are now being watered by a delicate rain. Our ladies who lunch are enjoying an extended garden party in the terrace dining room and learning camp cheers. A special activity is planned for later in the afternoon.

How Green is Our Garden

Today will be a leisurely walk in the park. In fact, a garden, complete with trellises and climbing ivy seems to have sprung up in the dining room overnight. As this reporter's mother says about children, "give them plenty of water and sunshine and they'll grow." Here in Camp Simcha, there must be something in the water, because it seems like we'll all grown together over the past week. But don't think we'll be resting on our laurels. Camp is packed with activities. Among the scheduled activities is gardening. We're going to get our hands dirty. Stay with us for more updates.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Where there's a fire drill, there's a (bon)fire!?

Camp Simcha gets an A+ on a perfect regularly scheduled fire drill. All was in order. But what was that smoke rising from behind the pool?

It's Leah here, investigating from the scene. There appears to be a small fire surrounded by stones and wood. Expert witnesses tell me this is called a bonfire. The natives are dancing in a circle around this structure. They're holding hands and swaying back and forth, singing to the music. Aviva Honickman and others are strumming away at their guitars. The natives are cooking hotdogs, popcorn and smores on long sticks. Other campers are busy decorating masks in honor of the Purim party. The sun may set and the fire may die down, but memories of tonight will flicker on.

Musical-IQ Brings Arts to Life in CSS

The day just keeps getting better and better. In the afternoon, the Musical IQ team guided us in a vibrant program of music and rhythm. The program opened with a drum performance. Then campers were given a special drums to play. Called a djembe, this drum comes from the West African country of Mali and is played in community settings. Our guide Ross told us that the group energy, not the instrument, is what makes the performance unique. We learned the two sounds the drum can make: the low sound from the center portion, called the bass and the higher sound from the side, called the tone. The interactive, hands-on approach to creating music and meaning helped us further cohere as a CSS group. The program was both energetic and inspiring.

Rachel L., Rachel B., Bracha D. and Sara made up their own beat and performed it for the rest of camp.

Overheard in Camp Simcha

Ari and her sister Tali H. were talking about home. Ari commented that Tali's favorite place is home.
"No," corrected Tali, "My favorite place on Earth is Camp Simcha Special!"

Party Favor: Masks

Hear ye, hear ye. It has been decreed by Queen Rivky that all Camp Simcha campers should receive masks in honor of today's Purim Party. We also gave mishloach manos (candy-grams) to our friends.

Workshop Watch: Scrapbooking

Stickers, glue, glitters, scissors, colored paper, cut-outs litter the tables in the scrapbooking room. We're making scrapbooks and calendars. Here's what we have to say about it.

Baila Perel D.
I made a calendar. It looks the cutest you have ever seen. It has pictures in the background of what we dressed up as and the theme. And we made the letters colorful and I have very good taste, all different colors. It has just the two months of camp so you remember what we did each day and what we dressed up as. I can look at it when come home from camp.
We made calendars with lots of pictures describing a different day that we were here. We put it down on the calendar to describe the experience.
Emily R.
I liked scrapbooking because there were cool patterns and papers and different supplies. I made a scrapbook page and I'm going to put the pictures that I am taking here so that I can have memories of camp. I love camp because I get to do things I never thought I could do.

Workshop Watch: Leather

At the leather workshop this year we are busy at work. Campers especially like making bracelets, siddur covers and, new for this season, picture albums. They love personalizing their crafts with stamps and then painting the leather. Keren is making a keychain for her friend Naomi back at home. Shana is making a headband. Samarra is working on a keychain. Francesca is making a bracelet with her name on it.

It's a Bird - No, it's a Plane!

That's right! This morning helicopter rides came to Camp Simcha. We went on rides around Gley Spey. The aerial views of the campgrounds and lake were beautiful. Some of us have been looking forward to this special activity all year.

Francesca said, "It was amazing. It was the best experience and I hope that I get to go on next year. And I always like to go in the air."

Chaya Fraidel said, "It was a lot of fun. My favorite part was when we were up in the air. I could see everything in camp."

Thanks to Ponytail Shlomo (it's fake) and Bob the Pilot.

Venahapoch Hu!

Where is the head staff table? Why are we eating dinner for lunch? Why do our division heads look different today? Because it's Purim, of course!

Camp Simcha Special woke up this morning to a topsy-turvy world in which campers are counselors, head staff, and maintenance, and Purim music is heard in the middle of the summer. Our new head counselor for the day, Henny O., made all of the morning announcements over the loudspeaker, and Stephanie, dressed as Bill Cosby, entertained us all with her hilarious jokes.

After an inspiring learning group led by Liliya, we couldn't wait to see what other topsy-turvy surprises Purim Day holds in store!

Acrobatics Team Delights on This Superbowl Sunday

Chicago Boyz Acrobatics Team drove all the way in from Chicago to amaze us with their awesome stunts. They performed jaw-dropping flips, turns, jump rope tricks and even jumped over very brave campers and even Shaindy Lowenthal. One of the gymnasts, nicknamed Superman because he flew so high, leapfrogged over seven campers in a row. Rena stood on top of Head Lifeguard Rachel's shoulder and then one of the gymnasts jumped over them.

Workshop Watch: Roofy Roofy

For the first Roofy Roofy project of the summer, we are making beautiful wax creations. Kyle from Allentown, PA says making candles has been her favorite activity so far. The candles I've seen are multi-layered with concentric scales that resemble palm trees arranged around a center cylindrical candle base. They're purple and red and yellow and give off a light sweet scent when they burn. Look for these in your campers' suitcase when she comes home. The candles are beautiful addition to a havdalah set. Shifra, the pottery director, has also told us that some campers have made their own pottery candle holders and then taken them to Roofy Roofy to fill with brightly colored, sweet-smelling wax.

Party Favor: Caps

Party City is reporting that popular athletic hats have been completely sold out. In a related news story, in honor of the Simcha Superbowl, campers received athletic hats for party favors.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Simcha Scores Major Victory in Superbowl

Welcome to the first annual Simcha Superbowl. It's Simcha Swines (campers) vs. Simcha Staff. The social hall became a field with taped down foul lines and goals. Alexis opened with a beautiful rendition of the national anthem. The game was on!

The half-time show featured the Lovely, Lively Lifeguards in an exclusive performance. Another two of our staff member performed skateboard stunts.

Of course our very athletically inclined campers won scored touchdown after touchdown as the staff fumbled over their feet and tried to steal the balls from each other.

And the crowd went wild! Dressed in their favorite team's colors and face paint, everyone was cheering with horns.

We re-energized with a celebratory Superbowl dinner of subs, heroes, chicken wings and chips and salsa. Then we relaxed for the after-dinner commercial break. Simcha filmmakers really enjoyed producing the commercial from thinking up the concept to directing their fellow bunk-mates to acting out and shooting the final product. The screening of the advertisements had us all laughing all the way to night activity.

Hut! hut! hut! Hey Simcha!

We are the champions - my friends. . .

This is Leah reporting from Party City, NY where preparations for the first annual Simcha Superbowl are in progress. This morning expert cheerleaders taught us a stretching and dance routine set to sports songs. Out on the field (who knew the dining room could have so many faces?), the Simcha Swines (homage to the H1N1 virus) are getting in formation. Campers and counselors are in uniform with whistles and eye black.

Simcha filmmakers are now are producing their own commercials for the Superbowl. The categories for the different advertisements include Tamiflu, Maayim Chayim water, Pizza and camp's famous Gem Carts. The commercials will be screened tonight during the after-party. The Simcha Academy Awards committee will be attending.

Stay with us for more updates straight from the field.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gut Voch !

I'm Leah and this is Letters Home from Simcha Special live from the basement of the dining hall. We're getting reports of post-Shabbos dancing already taking place above ground. In fact, I can feel the floor shaking above me. Camp is bringing in what will certainly be a week of excitement.

Nechama S. and Tali H. inspired us with their divrei Torah on the parsha.

We spent Shabbos afternoon in our famous Bingo games, relaxing in the library and taking luxurious shabbos walks around camp.

Rabbi Scholar addressed staff and campers after Oneg Shabbos on Friday night.

Stay with us for more updates from the Happiest Place on Earth.

Friday, June 26, 2009

It's Time to Say Good Shabbos

Another week's gone by, become a memory . . .
Camp is preparing for Shabbos. Kabalas Shabbos is in less than ten minutes. After that we'll have seudas shabbos and zemiros. Tomorrow morning after davening is the kiddush in honor of the baby shower and then after seudas shabbos, we'll have special learning groups and a shabbos play.

We'll be back here after Shabbos with updates from the weekend.

Workshop Watch: Pottery

During the thunderstorm, we had to stay indoors and I had to stay in the pottery room for about hour. There were only a few people there including the pottery director, a waitress, a camper and her counselor. During that short time, I watched as the homesick camper, who had never been to camp before and was having trouble adjusting, light up as she and Shifra, the potter, fashioned a mug, a bowl and a vase for all her friends back home. I think sticking her hands into the clumpy wet clay and then holding them around the lump of gray clay that would become a unique piece of her own was a transforming moment.

Shloime Dachs Concert !

It's Erev Shabbos and there's just enough time to fit in ... a concert ?! Surprise, Camp Simcha Special, Shloime Dachs is here for the first concert of the summer.

Disco lights on overhead, the social hall was shaking underneath our feet from the frenzied dancing. In Simcha spirit, the concert was a perfect prelude to Shabbos. Many campers were able to come out of their wheelchairs and dance with their counselors in a circle on on their counselor's shoulders. Everyone sang up a storm -- literally. It rained outside, but we barely noticed. Bracha sang us a solo. We love Shloime in Camp Simcha Special. As Shloime Dachs said, "Thank you so much. I'm so glad to be back here in Camp Simcha Special. . . I was so happy that I came."

Party Favor: Necklaces

Today in honor of the baby shower, campers received light-up pacifier necklaces.

We're now back to our regularly scheduled activities and are waiting to hear about the special activity of the day.

Kiddush Announced

Tomorrow morning we are going to have a special Shabbos kiddush in honor of the CSS baby shower. Does anyone have any name suggestions? Campers can post their ideas at our party headquarters. The winning name will be announced tomorrow.

Cupcakes as Cute as Campers

In honor of our baby shower, we had delicious pink and blue cupcakes decorated with teddy bears for dessert after lunch. Yum!

Camp Simcha Flexes its Brain Muscles

The Brain Show, the latest addition to the lineup of Camp Simcha shows, surprised us on this bright Friday morning. Our hosts, Chris and Arielle, let us know how the game is played. Before we began we had to take the The Brain Show pledge:

I, Camp Simcha Special, promise not to yell out or whisper the answers to the contestants.

You can't lose points if you get the answer wrong, but you can lose points if you don't do the "thing-in-between." We had to dance the right moves to the dance music played in-between rounds.

The winners of the Brain Show were awarded the official "I am a Brain Show Maniac Medallion." In an company statement, Chris warned, "Remember that medallion is worth exactly 49 cents."

A big round of applause for our contestants!

Mazal Tov - It's a Girl !

From Glen Spey, Party City, NY, we bring you joyous news of a baby shower for CSS. At our celebratory brunch this morning, the dining room was piled high with gifts and baby merchandise.

In early morning races, we competed to see who could finish a bottle of apple juice first, who could finish the puzzle first, and who could make the best play dough sculpture.

Our precious bundles of joy are excited for the surprises the day will bring.

B'Shaah Tovah.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

After Dinner Mints - Refreshing News

Congratulations to Molly Z. and Ahuva G. on passing the deep water test!

Congratulations to Baila Perel for walking up all the stairs to the top of the fun slide!

Malka S. drove the motor boat today!

We're so proud.

Coming soon ... a luau right here in Camp Simcha.

Carnival of the (Party) Animals

Reporting to you from the front lawn where a water carnival is visiting Camp Simcha Special, we're cooling off with water activities. There are awesome rides like a fun slide and a moonwalk; but on this scorcher of a day, the dunk-your-counselor booth is definitely the hit. We're having a ton of fun at the booths where we are playing ring toss, count the pennies, bowling. Jessica O. won a Dora the Explorer towel that she can't wait to use at the pool. Prizes for the lucky include Elmo hats, plastic cell phones, stuffed animals, sunglasses, bangles, wristlets, lip gloss, decks of cards, bubbles.

I just watched a paraplegic camper, her face ecstatic as she slid down the slide with her counselors at her sides. Where else but here could something like that happen? It was gratifying to see the counselor and campers bonding and everyone enjoying themselves.

Beach Party

"Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone."

From deep inside the blogosphere, somewhere in the middle of Glen Spey, Party City, New York, this is your host Leah reporting live on an important new development.

We're getting reports of Camp Simcha camped out at the beach. But this is no lazy day at the shore. It's a Beach Party. We're heading out on the ocean into new adventures on the high waves of Camp Simcha Lake. Decked out in leis, hula skirts, floaties and even towels, campers showed up for breakfast ready for the first full day of camp.

Simcha's aspiring filmmakers are getting their start right here at Simcha Studios. This morning after breakfast, Rivky announced the Each camper has one day to document her experience in camp on film. At the end of the session, she is handed her film to take home for her family.

Next, we headed into learning groups. The theme for learning groups this season is charity and good deeds. I sat in with Bunks 6 and 7 for their session in the movie room. Led by shiur counselor Esti, campers told us about the good deeds they have recently performed. Libby said "today this morning I gave two people soda." Jessica L.'s counselor told us that Jessica "always cares about everyone and texts them all the time." Evelyn woke up early this morning and didn't even wake up her counselor. She just waited in bed until her counselor got up by herself. Jessica O. brought water for other people who needed it. During lunch, campers had the opportunity to practice what they had learned in the morning and give tzedakah [charity].

Official Division Meetings followed Learning Groups. If you are not sure which division your camper is in, here's a handy list.
Party Animals Bunks 6,7, 8, 9 and 10
Crashers Bunks 21, 22, 23 and 24
Shenanigans 25, 26, 29 and 30
Batsheva's Party Animals went around the circle introducing themselves to the each other. Here are some interesting soundbites:
My name is Chani and I like fruits and vegetables and I'm from Argentina.
My name is Ahava and I'm from Toronto.
My name is Rena and I'm from the City of Angels.
My name is Alexis and one of my favorite things to do is knit scarves. I knit for my twin sister. We're identical. I'm from Allentown, PA. I love to draw.
I'm Liat and I'm from California.
My name is Leah Chaya and I'm from Israel.
My name is Stephanie and and I just graduated elementary school.

At the Beach, we're surfing USA. We would not have known that we were on the the volleyball court if not for the net on top of all that sand. There was a sand art painting and keychain making. We built a city out of sand in our sand castle building contest. After dancing through the sprinklers, we went on a seashell hunt.

Lunchtime at the beach and Camp Simcha is lounging around on beach chairs in the dining room. From their cabanas and grass huts, campers ordered smoothies and special mixed drinks. Chief Lifeguard Rivky Schwartz presided a contest in which five visiting beach bums (division heads) were in a hula hooping contest. But the catch was that the campers had to squirt water in their mouths at the same time.

Campers are going to pick out party favor: visors, Hallmark cards and hand sanitizer. [Sings: "Wash your hand, wash your hands, wash your hands with soap! Tra la la..."]

Until next time.

Welcome to Camp Simcha Special 2009 !

Hello Camp Simcha Special!

This year for the first time, we're having live blogging straight from camp. This is Leah here and I'll be your source of news and developments from our headquarters in Glen Spey, Party City, New York.

I'm only on the bus up to camp, but sources close to camp tell me that camp this year is going to be quite a party. I'm heading up from Monsey. The trip is about an hour and a half so by the time I look around we should be right there. . .

And here we come up the road, I can see the signs. Camp Simcha Special, we have arrived. WELCOME TO THE CAMP SIMCHA SPECIAL PARTY!
A huge banner on the front gate ushers campers into what will be a spectacular two weeks.

We are greeted by droves of clowns and entertainers -- whoops, I mean staff members -- already there. They are singing and dancing and look there's Aviva playing away at the piano. From the window, I can see Rivky Schwartz and Esti Kleinkaufman buzzing about. I recognize my friends from last year and a host of new faces.

I grab my bags and head to the office to get my room assignment. Then off to Room 604 of the Hotel, where I will be staying for the next two weeks. My bunk is neat and clean and comfortable as always, and I quickly put everything away so I can head back outside, into the action. It's almost time for supper, but before then I descend into the lower level, past the library and arcade room, past the computer room where I notice a line of shiny new computers, and into our Headquarters. It's from that I'll be compiling the newspaper and keeping you posted on the latest news exclusively from CSS.

Top officials from the newspaper office, including a new staff member named Nechama, met today to discuss top secret information about this summer's newspaper. The content of that meeting will be revealed tomorrow around lunch-time. When asked about the theme of the newspaper, the newspaper office declined to comment. This leaves no choice but to wait anxiously until then.

In the meantime: dinner and then dancing! The excitement in the dining room is palpable and the floor is almost shaking beneath us as campers and counselors dance to the beat.


What does that spell? CAMP SIMCHA ! ! !

Please don't stop the music ... but the Rebbe's Tisch is about to begin in the social hall. And now for the first night activity of the summer. What's it going to be? You guessed it -- more dancing! Disco lights on overhead, CSS got into camp spirit as the video screen dropped down from the ceiling. We watched the CSS '08 video. This summer promises to be even more fun, with even more jaw-dropping activities and surprises.

Each specialty made a presentation. The waitresses reminded us that "I'm a fork, spoon and knife -- spatula." Aviva contacted the American Academy for Arts and Crafts to find the best arts and crafts heads. In an interview, these experts told us they were trained in the best schools. Among our staff members are graduates of TAG and FIT.

The camp-famous tenor Libby sang us a solo. The song is her original composition. "If we weren't here we would be really sad. Now that we're here and having fun let's say a a cheer with everyone!"

After this introduction, the specialties performed a dance number set to a song recorded exclusively for CSS. The lyrics are perfectly appropriate to the theme for the summer.
It's your party, you'll make it. We're waiting, come on. Yes, you got it. Let's rock it, don't wait around too long. Now you're invited, don't miss it. Step up. Come on. Dream. Dream. Dream. Dream. Life is but a dream.
The main activity for tonight was a "Get to know you" game. Everyone split into their camp divisions and assembled in circles. The game showed us how we are all connected: The object of the game was to get to know our bunkmates. A ball of yarn started in one camper's hands. Then, description was called out and the ball was tossed to the girls who fit the requirements. The first girl still held on to the end of the string, making a connection between the two girls. Then another description is announced and the second girl threw it to the third. At the end, there was a whole web of yarn, connecting everyone to each other.
Who has green eyes?
Who has five kids in her family?
Who is the only girl in her family?
Who is the middle child?
Who is wearing a pink shirt?
Who plays an instrument?
The game was going well until they asked "Who loves Simcha Special?" There simply not enough string to go around for that question. When all the string was gone, we saw a slideshow of campers from last summer. Off to the canteen, the arcades, the gym or bed.

Good night, everyone! Can't wait to speak tomorrow.

After hours at the canteen: A dozen campers were spotted at the canteen after night activity. After filling up on their favorite hot pretzels and knishes, some campers headed over to the gym for a karaoke session.