Sunday, July 12, 2009

Shavua Tov!

Our first shabbos in camp is already behind us and what a wonderful one it was! After a beautiful Kabbalas Shabbos Friday night, everyone made their way into the dining room, holding hands and singing for our first shabbos meal. Beautiful zemiros and abundant energy filled the dining room throughout the meal. Our ever lively Israeli bunch of staff and campers continue to add their own special ruach to the camp with all their song and cheer! As the dining room quieted down, we were privileged to hear beautiful Divrei Torah from a few of our awe-inspiring campers, followed by dessert and benching. As our younger campers made their way into bed, an oneg shabbos was held for our teen campers and staff members, complete with delicious cholent, more nosh and words of wisdom from our camp's esteemed Rabbi Scholar. As the hours grew late, those still left awake began to retire for the night in anticipation for the event-filled shabbos day that was to come.

Shabbos morning began with an early breakfast for those awake early, followed by a delicious late morning kiddush for the entire camp. Everyone then went off to their various learning groups before returning to the dining room for our shabbos seudah. Following lunch, more singing and Divrei Torah, everyone gathered around the stage for the anticipated weekly shabbos skit. Our staff members and campers as usual put on a comical show that the audience greatly enjoyed watching. After the performance, many went off to play bingo in the canteen where snacks and prizes awaited, while others went on walks around camp with their friends or went to go rest in their bunkhouse.

As the end of the relaxing day neared, we went to shalosh seudos where we ate more yummy food (along with ice cream for dessert!) and heard the beautiful voices of all the many different and talented campers that made up our shabbos choir, headed by our very devoted Aviva Honikman. Havdallah followed with more song and everyone wishing that our wonderful shabbos didn't have to end just yet. Motzei Shabbos began as music and dancing broke out in the dining room and Melava Malka was set up. The energy was contagious as everyone sang and danced their hearts out, eager for the start of another fun-filled week!

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