Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day of Rest, Day of Growth

Tefillos rang through the skies and the collective hope of those privileged to know the kavanah and love of all Yiddishkeit that makes the cries for a different, better reality more fervent here than most any other place in the world. The skies graduated from a milky twilight blue to the inky purple hues of evening. The candles flickered with a delicate and yet certain presence that signaled the slowed, savor-the-moment pace of Shabbos, as did the marvelously spiced chicken, soups and sweet challas that graced the crisp table linens.
The atmosphere may have, in any other part of the world called for solemnity, but Simcha wasn’t having it. “ Shabbos Koidesh” could barely be discerned from within the thundering chorus of claps, cheers, and bodies that towered over chairs and created the circus that is such a trademark of the Simcha family.
Blondini’s surprise visit to camp allowed us the privilege of hearing a Dvar Torah like no other and Rabbi Scholar led the late night tisch that affirmed yet again the unimaginable
selflessness that permeates every corner of this campus. The cholent, though peppery, could not compare to the fire of R’ Scholar’s impassioned tone and to be sure, there was more than one set of tears flowing. ( To be continued)...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That was a really cool, well-written post!

    I almost felt like I was there. The robust energy permeates every word and propels them off the screen and into the imagination. Kudos on your great job of vivdily portraying the Camp Simcha Spirit in a humorous and eloquent way.

    The first sentence of this post sums up a deep feeling in a special way.....!
    May G-d bring close that day when we will see our prayers answered and live that day of a Better Reality!

    -A Fan


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