Friday, July 3, 2009

Simcha Family Reunites

This is Leah reporting to you from the scene where Camp Simcha has gathered for a "Family Reunion."

Campus is swarming with Bubbes and Zaides, Aunts and Uncles, and of course, the family dog. Grandma's friend Bubba SueSue (Pia L.) is in attendance. We are also getting reports of spottings of various members of the Addams Family. The Simcha family is large and that means that we've got some strange relatives too. A fair share of hippies, people sporting extremely large hair-dos and all manners of fantastic garb, are in from the Four Corners of The Earth.

1 comment:

  1. I miss people in camp!I really wish I could seee them or talk with them! Liliya


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