Monday, July 20, 2009

Last Day Happenings

After our final lunch together, where we heard graduation speeches from many of our campers, everyone headed to the Social Hall for a special concert by...Yakov Shwekey! Everyone had a blast singing and dancing at one last concert together.

After the concert, everyone made their way back to their bunkhouses to pack before heading to banquet. There we enjoyed all kinds of delicious food that was followed by a graduation procession. The graduation began with speeches by the valedictorians: Shayna, Ellen, and Esti W. Afterwards, the division heads called each "graduate" by name and and awarded each girl a diploma along with different distinctions such as cutest smile, best hugger, etc.

After graduation came to an end, everyone made their way to the social hall. There we heard all different camp songs sung by various staff, followed by many comedy routines and dances from a combination of staff and campers. Finally, it was time to watch the long-awaited Camp Simcha 2009 video where we re-lived all of this summer's wonderful memories.

As the realization of the few hours left together set in, everyone made their way to bed, not yet ready for all of our amazing times to come to end, but happy knowing that the warm memories we have created this summer will follow us far into the year, especially when shared all together.

An an annoymous quoter stated: "Distance never seperates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss."

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